The Community Services Gateway to Industry Schools project aims to provide schools the resources to inform students about the range of careers and pathways in Community Services sector.

Project Objectives

  • Create sustainable partnerships with all stakeholders.
  • Provide Industry focused learning opportunities for students to develop learning to assist with pathways to a career in Community Service.
  • Provide opportunities for participation in employment & training.
  • Identify, provide and promote relevant personal development for school staff to improve industry awareness.
  • Develop communication that promotes and raises awareness of the community service sector, with assistance from Queensland Governments investment in vocational education.

Project’s Governance Structure

The Community Services Gateway to Industry Schools Project has an established governance structure, displayed in the image to the left.

A State Wide Advisory Group oversees the strategic direction of the project and includes relevant peak bodies within the community services sector, plus representatives from the Department of Small Business and Training, State and Private Education and a selection of state wide employers.

The Principal Leadership Group aims to connect school leaders with senior industry personnel, whilst individual Regional Reference Groups provide an opportunity for school operational staff within each location to connect and collaborate on location based action plans.

National Disability Services

NDS are contracted by the Department of Employment Small Business and Training to deliver the Gateway Project. It is Australia’s only peak body for non-government disability service organisations, NDS is the only organisation that supports the full spectrum of disability service providers across Australia.

Our members range in size from small support groups to large multi-service organisations and collectively members operate several thousand services for Australians with all types of disability.

NDS seeks to:

  • We seek to provide access for service providers to up to date information analysis and expertise.
  • We seek to influence, change, both within the sector and for the sector.
  • We enable the sector to meet, exchange information and share experiences with other providers.
  • And we provide access to practical resources that disability service providers can use in their organisation.