School Staff Resources
Project Forums
SWAG (Statewide Advisory Group)
Provides advice, input and individual sector data and information of the community services workforce and career pathways. The group review and provide direction on project objectives, milestones and outcomes.
Principal Leadership Group
To provide a platform for the Community Services Gateway School Principals to connect with the project, engage with industry leaders from the sector to inform career practices within the school environment. The aims for this engagement with principals, is to increase the involvement from teachers and school staff and encourage increase industry involvement for students within our CS Gateway schools. These forums meet twice per year online.
School Partnership Group
To enable Community Services Gateway schools representatives to connect, share practice and collaborate to create industry engagement opportunities for their students. This forum meets 4 times per year online.
Connect with Gateway Events
Provides professional development opportunities for teachers and school staff to connect with local industry and build partnerships between industry, schools, apprenticeship centres and recognised training providers to share information and identify opportunities to support students in their career pathways and build the future community service workforce.
ATSI, CALD & Disability Focus Groups
Industry Career Excursions & Awareness
Industry Tours are a great way for students and teachers to experience the workforce. If you with to book an industry tour please complete the below:
Introduction to Community Services Sector Resources
Want to know more about Aged Care, Community Services, Children Services, Disability Support and Education Support? To access Sector Introduction Modules that will provide you with a broader understanding of the industry, register here or login to access.
Funding Request Form for the Project
The Project has committed to offering financial assistance to reduce barriers for students from schools who partner with the Community Service GISP. If you are seeking funding assistance to break down a barrier for a student/s in your school, please complete this form and email it to us at [email protected]
Community Services Gateway to Industry School Program offers your students the opportunity to complete a Work Preference Questionnaire to support their career decisions. We support you (our Gateway teachers) in professional development sessions to learn how interpret and engage with your students when reviewing their results. The questionnaire covers:
Your Greatest Strengths Report: This report builds understanding and self-esteem. The positive narrative of their report provides students with an insight into their hidden potential and provides meaningful material to help them develop a unique resume.
Career Development Report: This report is designed as a coaching tool to prepare students for the work place and identifies potential areas students may not be aware of.
Career Options Report: Whilst considering careers with a 75% or high result, it's up to the student to select the careers they wish to consider. Based on the Enjoyment Performance Theory, it has been proved that individuals who enjoy 75% or more of their career are 3 times more likely to succeed than those who enjoy less than 75% of their career.
To order the questionnaire for your students, please email us with students names and email address using the link below.
Professional Development session are available, please view the Professional Development tab for more information.
Traits and Definitions Game
To support you career discovery experience we have created a Game that clarifies the definition of 32 of the traits used in the Questionnaire. So often we think we have a general idea of the meaning of a word, however often we could benefit from a clear definition.
The term “Assertive” is often misunderstood to mean aggressive or pushy. When in fact it just means “to say what you want or need”.
The clearer our understanding of the terms used in the questionnaire, the greater chance we have of responding with confidence.
We hope you enjoy the Trait & Definition Game